IMPORTANT: Stages Link is only available until March 12th 2024. Read more.

How to use the Stages Cycling app

Create a course in the Stages Cycling app
Create a course using the Stages Cycling app's course builder and sync it to your Stages Dash M200/L200 or M50/L50. Courses created on the Stages Cyclin...
Sync courses from 3rd party connections
Upload a course file to your Stages Dash M200/L200 and M50/L50 from a third-party connection such as Strava, Ride with GPS, Komoot, and Stages Link using th...
What can I find in each section of the Stages Cycling app?
The Stages Cycling app allows you to connect to your favorite Stages devices, record rides, view activities, edit profiles, and change device settings. Ther...
How to delete your account
To delete your account on the Stages Cycling app, click on Profile > App: About > Delete Stages Cycling account. After you confirm, your account will ...