IMPORTANT: Stages Link is only available until March 12th 2024. Read more.

Contextual Help

The Plans page shows a listing of any plans currently on your calendar. This list includes generated training plans, template plans, and any self-made train...
The Events page is where you can see all events you've added to your calendar, update the details on each event, and delete events that you will not be ...
Messages - Inbox
The Messages page serves as an inbox for all automated system alerts. System alerts contain a wide variety of notices that help you better manage your accou...
The Services page allows you to pay for a Stages Link Premium subscription, as well as see when your next payment is due for your existing premium subscript...
Using the Course Builder
Build a new course Zoom and adjust the map position to your starting location, then click the starting point on the map to mark the beginning. Click an...
Courses Sidebar
Use the courses sidebar to search previously created or imported courses, drag courses onto your calendar, and create or import new courses. Similar to work...
Ride Graph: Reference Lines
When evaluating rides on the ride graph, reference lines can be added to make it easier to read your ride values across the y-axis of the graph. Reference l...
Edit Interval
Use the edit interval dialog box to add or edit the name of an interval, set a color for shading on the graph, and add other details such as interval type, ...
Activity Sharing
The share button on the upper right corner of the Activity Detail/Analysis page allows you to share a snapshot of your completed workout, including customiz...
Manual activity data
The manual activity menu can be used to log activities that are not recorded, as well as edit activity data from uploaded files in the instance of inaccurat...