The peak pace graph shows your best pace across a range of time durations, giving a profile of your fastest speeds for both short and long efforts.  Additionally, you can filter this graph to show only a certain time period, such as the last 6 or 12 months. When a custom time duration is selected, it will create a second graph of your all time/best ever values. 

  • Time period filter: Select a time period for the activities to include on the graph.
    Note: If your values in the time period are equal to your bests, the lines will be the same. 
  • Sport filter: Use this filter to swap between running and swimming pace. 

Peak Pace Curve

The peak pace curve shows a graph of your best average pace for various time durations across your data history. The graph is similar to peak heart rate and peak power curve, only inverted, as peak pace goes up over time. Additionally, this graph will show your best average pace on any activity in the selected time period (7 days, 30 days, etc.). This allows you to compare your current fitness to your previous bests. 

Peak Pace Table

The peak pace table displays the same values as the curve graph, but in the table format. Selecting Peaks table will also enable additional configuration options on the settings menu, such as customizing the number of columns and adding extra data to the table. Hover over each cell in the table to view details and click the pace value to open the activity where this average pace was set. 

  • Show peak %: Shows how your best average pace value compares to your best in the time period (i.e. 99% of best value achieved in the last 6 months).
  • Show reference series: Shows your best ever pace used for the peak %. 
  • Columns: Customize the number of columns used to display your pace values.