The daily time series widget allows you to display a range of training data over time. This graph can be configured in a number of ways, from basic totals, workout types, equipment grouping (i.e. time on the mountain bike versus road bike). The graph can also be converted to a table, where your highest totals will be highlighted. Use the drop downs in the upper right to adjust the time duration and activity type for this widget. 

Daily time series table

Daily time series table

This widget has a range of features to explore. Mouse over the chart and click the chart configuration icon to customize the graph. Each metric will have it's own set of configurations, so mouse over each row to adjust the rows. 

  • Choose fields: Default fields are distance, training time, and T-score, but these fields can be configured to show a multitude of other training metrics you'd like to track over time. 
  • Choose graph, table, or combination.
  • Group everything together, by workout type, or by equipment type. 
  • Display graph as a line, area, column, or scatter graph/ 

Daily time series configuration menu

Daily time series configuration menu

Here's an example of a customized graph, showing distance, time, T-score, and ascent totals and divided by equipment type. The first 3 lines are set as an area graph, while the ascent total is set to line graph. 

Customized daily time series graph

Customized daily time series graph