The peak pace graph shows your best pace across a range of time durations, giving a profile of your fastest speeds for both short and long efforts.  To configure the graph or table, click the cog icon  in the upper right corner of the graph.

  • Time period: Select a time duration for your secondary power curve.
  • Choose from a peak power curve or peak power table. 

Peak Pace Curve

The peak pace curve shows a graph of your highest average pace for various time durations across your entire activity. The graph is similar to peak heart rate and peak power curve, only inverted, as peak pace goes up over time. Additionally, this graph will show your best average pace on any activity in the selected time period (7 days, 30 days, etc.). This allows you to compare your effort to your previous activities to see how it measured up. 

Peak Pace Table

The peak pace table displays the same values as the curve graph, but in the table format. Selecting Peaks table will also enable additional configuration options on the settings menu, such as customizing the number of columns and adding extra data to the table. Hover over each cell in the table to view details and click the pace value to open the activity where this average pace was set. 

  • Show peak %: Shows how your best average pace value compares to your best in the time period (i.e. 99% of best value achieved in the last 6 months).
  • Show reference series: Shows your best average pace for the stated time period (i.e. this is your best value in the last 6 months). If you set a new personal best on this activity, this number will be higher than your activity's average for this time period. 
  • Columns: Customize the number of columns used to display your pace values.